Clare Island Sunset

A few thing’s have changed for me recently hence my absence in posts here. I’ve had a very busy summer with multiple projects and more landscape work in the pipeline I hope to release shortly. I moved to Galway, a goal of mine after living and enjoying the past 6 years in Cork, now time to fully build out my new home office space to work from. However, the most exciting bit of news came when I was contacted in June about collaborating with the Royal Irish Academy in providing a cover image for their latest edition of the Clare Island Survey. This landmark survey was first coordinated by Robert Lloyd Praeger with a team of 100 scientific specialists and published in 1911 and has since gone on to become an “invaluable body of research informing future conservation of natural and built heritage of Ireland and Europe.”

I was pleased that the design team favoured quite a few of my images of Clare Island in consideration for the cover image but ultimately they opted to choose one of my aerial images of home at sunset. The Clare Island Survey of 1901-11 was the most ambitious natural history project ever undertaken in Ireland and the first major biological survey of a specific area carried out in the world and It’s been a pleasure to collaborate with the Royal Irish Academy on this latest rendition of the project. You can purchase a copy of the book directly from the RIA here.

Copyright Drop in the Ocean.jpg
